I am honored to continue serving the people of the 49th District as your Representative in the North Carolina House. With the loyal and dependable volunteer and financial support of so many, I am so grateful for your shared commitment to build a North Carolina that works for everyone.

In the current session, the Republican Majority has continued – even accelerated -- the push through of legislation that focuses on the wrong priorities. They miss opportunities to work with Democrats and Governor Cooper to build a state that works for everyone. I believe that the people of North Carolina want us to work together -- for responsive, representative, and transparent government.
As a professional mediator committed to finding common ground, I try to work collaboratively to make prudent, commonsense investments in our people, our infrastructure, our environment, and our public schools.
Some of the things we should be doing:
Making public education our top priority. We are facing a crisis in public education by not fully funding public schools and the professional educators and support staff who impact the future of our children and our state. We must invest as much as we can in our public schools, and in a program that helps families send their children to Pre-K programs. And we should not be further expanding the voucher program to the wealthiest North Carolinians, while our public schools struggle to deliver the very best education!
Closing the healthcare coverage gap and addressing the exploding costs of healthcare. I am so pleased that we have FINALLY passed Medicaid Expansion after pushing for it for a decade. It is a big step forward to expand coverage to the uninsured and reduce unreimbursed care that drives up insurance premiums and costs. Expansion is going smoothly and will create health care jobs and help rural hospitals.
A fair tax structure. We are on an unsustainable financial path with accelerating tax cuts for the wealthy and large corporations, leaving the greater burden to fund basic public services on working families and those who can least afford it.
Ensuring ALL of the people of North Carolina have opportunities through quality public schools, affordable housing, equality and equity, environmental protections, and post-secondary education in work force training for job opportunities.
I believe that North Carolina can be a national leader in education, job creation, equality and equity, and good government. I believe we must stop the devastating impacts of policies advancing under the control of the Republican majority. I believe our democracy is at serious risk if this leadership is not checked.
Let’s stand together and elect legislators committed to building a State that gives opportunity to everyone, providing a sustainable future for our residents, our children and our grandchildren.
I remain determined to fight for you and the future of our state. I would be so honored to have your support. Thank you!